It was a lovely weekend in the garden with the sun shining and lots of planting activity. Our neighbours at John McKenzie House participated in Toronto’s annual Doors Open event, which brought a lot of visitors to our garden. Some from as far as Whitby!
During our annual plant sale, we sold pepper and tomato seedlings identical to those we plant in the garden and a variety of herbs. PNG volunteers helped with weeding, planting, watering, moving compost and rototilling! Children volunteers enjoyed painting rocks that were hidden throughout the garden. The decorated rocks now reside in our Children’s Hand garden and we’ll be adding to the collection throughout the season. Thanks to our volunteers and everyone who stopped by. Hope to see you again soon!
- Seedlings arrive for our plant sale!
- Seedlings arrive at their destination
- Plant sale
- Beautiful seedlings for sale
- A Way to Weed!
- Potatoes to be prepped
- Shoveling compost
- Group effort moving compost
- Compost ready to be raked
- Waiting patiently!
- Painting rocks
- Finished artwork
- More painted rocks
- Placing painted rocks in the Children’s garden