Category Archives: Spotlight On Volunteers

Save the Date – PNG 10th Anniversary

 Save The Date! SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 Celebrating 10th anniversary of PNG Community Please save this date:  Saturday, September 21 from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM. We will be celebrating our…

Food bank donation

Food Bank Donation

  Saturday October 28 was our final harvest of the 2017 season. We had a bounty of tomatoes, jerusalem artichokes, greens and herbs which we were able to donate to…

In the Garden: Bee Rest Stations

“Bee Gord”, a  friend of the garden, installed the first of two bumblebee rest stations that he made and is donating to the garden.  The bumblebee is warm-blooded and needs a protected…

Growing Community at PNG!

Jessica shares her experience at the garden, where she enjoys volunteering and meeting neighbours.

Wanted: High School Volunteers for our PNG Team!

PNG has 3 types of Volunteer positions for the 2016 season. For a detailed description, please click on the individual volunteer postings. We look forward to hearing from you!  …

Farewell to a Dear Friend – David Peacock

David Peacock, who has been the treasurer for the garden since its inception, is stepping down because he is moving out of the neighbourhood. The leadership team, and all of…


Ms. Chu’s Grade 2 Class from McKee Public School : Super Volunteers!

A group of grade 2 students from McKee Public School have volunteered at PNG for the past two months. They started in the garden on earth day and took away 3…

Volunteer Visitor

We have a very diverse group of volunteers. Recently, one of the group leaders was approached by a neighbour who said her father-in-law was visiting from China for several months…

Spotlight On Volunteers: Jerome, Carolina & Philip Wong

Jerome and Carolina are parents to 3 year old Philip. They have been regular weekly volunteers at the garden since August of 2013. Gardener Parkview interviewed them, as part of…

Nan Davey

Spotlight on Volunteers: Nan Davey

There are dozens of volunteers that ‘toil in the soil’, to make Parkview Neighbourhood Garden the success that it has become in its 5 growing seasons. Gardener Parkview interviewed, Nan…