In the Garden: Bee Rest Stations

“Bee Gord”, a  friend of the garden, installed the first of two bumblebee rest stations that he made and is donating to the garden.  The bumblebee is warm-blooded and needs a protected…

Soil Preparation Event & Garden Work Shift Schedule

On Saturday, April 30, we will start preparing the soil for planting.  This event will consist of activities like spreading compost, raking, and turning soil.  We will begin at 10 a.m. and…

Growing Community at PNG!

Jessica shares her experience at the garden, where she enjoys volunteering and meeting neighbours.

Wanted: High School Volunteers for our PNG Team!

PNG has 3 types of Volunteer positions for the 2016 season. For a detailed description, please click on the individual volunteer postings. We look forward to hearing from you!  …

Come Join us for PNG clean up on Saturday April 23, 2016

The weekend of April 22-24 is the City’s annual “Clean Toronto Together” initiative, and what better place could there be to do some cleaning than Parkview Neighbourhood Garden? So, on…

Farewell to a Dear Friend – David Peacock

David Peacock, who has been the treasurer for the garden since its inception, is stepping down because he is moving out of the neighbourhood. The leadership team, and all of…

Let’s Bowl! February 20, 2016

All volunteers are invited to the PNG Bowling Social! Come out and have some fun with your fellow garden lovers. Date:  Saturday, February 20, 2016 Time: Meet at 11:30 am…

PNG Leadership Team Meeting: January 25, 2016

Happy New Year, volunteers! The Parkview Neighbourhood Garden Leadership Team will be holding its first meeting for 2016, and this meeting will be open to volunteers who might want to…

In the Garden: December Blooms!

A walk thru the garden on a beautiful spring-like Christmas Eve afternoon was so delightful! There were sightings of the Mayflower daisy, fava beans and Brussels sprouts!  Forsythia was starting…

In the Garden: November Hues

We are winding down for the winter season but PNG continues to bloom! Our new partner, The Community Share Food Bank, utilized surplus produce from our Fall Clean-Up Day on…