Dianne McIntyre

Farewell, Dianne McIntyre

On June 17, 2022, we lost a member of the Parkview Neighbourhood Garden. Today, we celebrate Dianne McIntyre’s life and contributions. Her many loving friends will remember Dianne for her…

Starbucks Grounds for your Garden program

Starbucks Thank You

Big thank-you to our neighbourhood Starbucks location at Yonge and Parkhome for saving up and donating coffee grounds to our garden, as part of their Grounds for the Garden program….

Garlic prepped for distribution

Garlic’s Epic Journey to The Table

It takes 9 months of work to get garlic to the table. We plant in October, weed and water and protect it until July, harvest it, cure it and then…

Gardening in the desert

Gardening in the Desert

By Sushila Tellis, Parkview Neighbourhood Garden Volunteer I watched my dad gardening, planting vegetables from seed, and growing flower plants. You could say what’s so unusual about this? It was…

Keep 2m apart

How the Pandemic Affected PNG

By: Nan Davey The COVID-19 pandemic presented many challenges to PNG.  To begin with, the 2020 season got a late start.  The stable (our toolshed) was marked with a notice…

Instagram instructional videos

Part Two: Starting a Garden

By Michel Klamph   If you followed my instructions in my previous post, you probably have some seedlings sprouting by now.    Sprouting Once you see your herbs sprouting, take…

Joan Steele

Remembering Joan Steele

By: Nan Davey Two years ago this month, we lost a friend and loyal volunteer to cancer.  Her name was Joan Steele. Joan was an experienced and dependable volunteer.  I…

Instagram instructional videos

Part One: Starting a Garden

By Michel Klamph As I watch the city crews remove the snow from the recent blizzard off the street outside my window, I can’t help but think about spring and…

PNG in Late Fall

2021 Season Recap

        Parkview Neighbourhood Garden’s 2021 season is coming to an end.  Working under COVID restrictions for a second year, a small band of volunteers planted, watered. weeded…


Soil as Gold (Compost)

 Paul has been hard at work rehabilitating our aging 6 bin compost system, built when the garden was founded, and Michel and Johnny have been regularly feeding and turning food…